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Check out my github repo (linked on the nav bar above) for some more projects.

Personal Projects

Car Sales Finance Calculator

This was a web app I built primarily using JavaScript when I was interning at RMA Group. The app allowed Mazda salespeople to note add-ons and calculate values for car finances that could be shared as a quotation to customers and kept in-house for sales records.

Dine at RIS

This is an iOS app I built for my High School's canteen that organized menus for the stalls and allowed students and teachers to order food through the app. To do this I used CloudKit and the Xcode iOS suite.

thaisa Logo.jpg

Buddy System Pair Finder

This is a web app I built using the PERN stack to pair members of the Thai Students Association for a buddy system to encourage bonding and connection building within the Thai community at Berkeley. Used randomized and Stable Marriage approaches.

Making Music


Building a Python based beat detection algorithm that automates the ability to detect the timbre of test music inputted to the program.

Link to come, currently in the process of building this!

Academic Projects

COVID-19 Predictions

We were given a dataset with worldwide data on the recent Coronavirus pandemic. Used regression and classification models to predict what features in a county within CA and NY lead to higher mortality rates due to the virus. Search expanded to state level when features in states were also compared and we cross analyzed the models with eachother. 

Scheme Interpreter

The final 61A project focused on the REPL loop (Read-Eval-Print Loop) and how interpreters work. We did this using a LISP dialect scheme and made the interpreter using Python.

Bear Maps

A major project in CS61B: Data Structures and Algorithms was a map program similar to Google Maps that focused on Berkeley. The project had several components and was a culmination of several data structures we learned in the class. It included a heap-based priority queue and a k-dimensional tree that came together with an implementation of the A* algorithm and image rasterization to create a map that allowed for viewing locations, finding distances, and search functionality as well (which was done using a trie). 


Course Content Website

A React based website that houses all the course content I have made for various EECS classes at UC Berkeley. Content is made primarily for CS61B: Data Structures.

Build Your Own World

Our final project in 61B was very open ended. We were given guidelines to build a tile-based game using disjoint sets in any way we would like and with as many graphic or game elements of our choosing. It was a very large scale project with a lot of experimentation. 


This project was also done for CS61A focused on list comprehensions and list structure in Python. The app divided restaurant locations and organized restaurants on a map of Berkeley based on user preferences, and we used a preliminary K-means algorithm to do this. 

Trump Tweet Predictor

Built a predictor trends found in Donald Trump's tweets. Used one-hot-encoding and word in the bag of words schemes to help with string classification. Using VADER lexicons, also assigned a polarity to each tweet and analyzed various factors about the tweet like the device used as well.

Contact me for access to the repo

Ham/Spam Email Classifier

Used Logistic Regression models to classify an email based on subject data, email text, and several other features found using EDA and feature engineering. Used cross entropy loss to determine accuracy. Ended up developing a model with around 96% accuracy. 

Contact me for access to the repo


Handwriting Detection in Assembly (what?)

Used RISC-V to develop a neural network that uses RISC-V to convert handwritten numbers to digital numbers.

Contact me for access to the repo

Computer Programming


Built a C based version of NumPy running with parallelism and SIMD.

Contact me for access to the repo

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